Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Culture and Communication Essay

According to new research done in the field of linguistics and cognitive science, the balance is starting to tilt again in favor of linguistic relativity. This concept proposes that there is a systematic relationship between the nature of the language a person speaks and the way the person understands the world. Although, it is still not known how much influence language wields over thought, it is now agreed that it does affect the way we perceive and understand the world. At an individual level, we take for granted the role language plays in our thought processes. But, every time we formulate a thought, we almost subconsciously express it in a tongue we are most comfortable with. Language has, over our growth period (especially the formative early childhood years), become intertwined without cognitive faculties. A majority of our thoughts and memories employ language as an expression tool. As such, one must agree that it most influence our thought processes to a certain extent. The intricate features of any language such as grammar and the role of gender to play a significant role on how we perceive the world. Although this influence plays a lesser role when it comes to tangibles like objects for instance, it does have a significant influence on abstract concepts such as time, space and even political concepts. For example, Dan Slobin of the University of California in Berkeley tells us in Alison Motluk’s article You Are What You Speak that while a third of the world’s languages describe locations in absolute terms, many Pacific Islanders use phrases such as â€Å"north of that tree†. Benjamin Whorf, one of the pioneers of linguistic relativity, in his famous analysis of the differences between English and Hopi language, claimed that a Hopi speaker would find relativistic physics easier to understand that an English speaker due to the structure of Hopi language. This facet of language becomes even more important when it comes to worldview and religion. As both of them are in essence, abstract concepts, it can be understood that language does have a significant relationship with them. One can for instance compare how the same religion is interpreted by groups with different languages. Also, once we consider the use of metaphors in languages, we can see how they relate to people’s culture. As the worldview of a people is formed due to the shared experience of a people and the sharing of this unique experience largely employs language, it can be understood that language wields an influence over it. Coupled with the effect of language on an individual basis, one can clearly see the significance a person’s language plays on not only his/her own thought processes, but on the formulation of grander systems of thought. Therefore, one can conclude that language helps shape a people’s worldview and their understanding of religion. The diversification in religion can then potentially create new religions due to conflicts with other prevalent interpretation. The extent of language’s influence can still be argued and should be argued until a conclusion can be reached. But all languages in general should be preserved as we never know when a particular language’s insight might come in handy for resolving modern problems. How has the internet changed global communication? What effect might this have on cross-cultural communication? The Internet probably ranks among one of greatest inventions man has yet made. A relatively young invention, it has revolutionized global communication, and yet, its true potential remains to be seen. It has transcended geographical borders and provided people with a forum to convey their thoughts to the world, unfiltered and unregulated. It has led to the rise of new social groups, ones which have no need for proximity, and given rise to whole new cultures. Although global communication has existed for centuries, never before has it been observed at such an unprecedented scale. With the advent of the internet, rapid information sharing became possible and at virtually no cost. Today, one can find material of any nature on the internet and can access it almost anywhere in the world. One can share information of any nature, be it audio or video or plain text. The fact that it’s unregulated allows people to channel their thoughts in the purest form possible. Social networking sites have created new online societies with their own set of rules and cultures. Instant messaging has provided us with a facility to engage in real time conversations with people from halfway across the world. Used in conjunction with webcams and microphones, we have in essence, the next best thing to face to face conversation. As such, one can see that we are witnessing a new chapter in cross-cultural communication. The internet has the potential to bring people together, from diverse backgrounds, and to promote understanding regardless of geographical, religious, political and ethnic division. One can interact with people at an individual level and due to the vast spectrum of opinions that the internet holds, one can form a more neutral worldview. Hence, in theory, the internet should usher in a new age of global understanding and ultimately form a global worldview. But there still is a catch to it all. Yes, in theory this should all be true, but there still are factors that hamper us all from achieving this. These begin with our own preconceived notions. The internet contains a lot of unregulated information. How do we decide what is true? We use our preconceived notions and hence keep our limited understanding of the world. Furthermore, the internet provides a highly selective information and communication tool, meaning that a person can choose what he/she wants to access and who he/she wants to talk to. Furthermore, the vast majority of people in the world still lack access to the internet and of those that have access to it, a large number still lacks unregulated access. For example, countries such as China monitor internet content and limit access to sites which carry â€Å"inappropriate† material. As such, the internet is still far away from reaching its true potential. But this is no cause to lose hope. The internet is still in its infancy and it still has a lot more avenues to explore. Also, if one is to consider the rate at which the internet has grown so far, one can conclude that it will grow a lot faster in the future. Perhaps ultimately, the internet will truly let us share our thoughts worldwide and finally transcend language and cultural barriers. If so, we can then truly reach a new era of global understanding and perhaps, create more than a global worldview; we can create a collective consciousness. In conclusion, the internet is an extremely powerful tool for global communication and will have far reaching consequences on cross-cultural communication. Works Cited 1. Motluk, Alison. â€Å"You Are What You Speak. † New Scientist. 30 Nov. 2002: 34-38 2. Carroll, John B. â€Å"The Relation Of Habitual Thought And Behavior. † Language, Thought, and Reality: Selected Writings of Benjamin Lee Whorf. 1997 3. Lakoff, George and Johnson, Mark. Metaphors We Live By. 1980 4. Cass, Stephen. â€Å"How Much Does The Internet Weigh? † Discover Magazine. June 2007 5. D’Emanuele, Antony. â€Å"The Internet: A global communication tool† International Pharmacy Journal. 1995: 68-72

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

An Examination Of The Indian Natural Resources Environmental Sciences Essay

IntroductionConsequently, the First Five Year Plan presented an history of the land, H2O, mineral and energy resources of the state on the footing of information so available. It drew attending to the chief jobs in each field and put out programmes for farther studies and probes. It besides offered suggestions for beef uping the administrations responsible for these studies, supplying them with forces and equipment. and spread outing programmes of preparation. Over the past few old ages administrations covering with the study and use of natural resources, such as the Indian Council of Agri- cultural Research, the Central Water and Power Commission, Central Board of Irrigation and Power, Geological Survey of India, Oil and Natural Gas Commission, Indian Bureau of Mines, Survey of India, Forest Research Institute Atomic Energy Commission, and the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research and its National Laboratories have been greatly expanded and have undertaken a series of new studies and probes. These studies have resulted in a fuller appraisal of the state ‘s natural resources conveying to illume the spreads in informa- tion associating to these resources as besides their lacks in rela- tion to the state ‘s hereafter demands, 2. The aim of planning is to raise the criterion of life of the people as a whole. The attainment of this nonsubjective involves the development on scientific lines of the state ‘s natural and human resources. Expanded demand for natural resources and stuffs has led to technological developments which have in portion overcome limita- tions and therefore increased the supply of resources. The dynamic forces at work in making displacements in the demand for and supply or natural resources necessitate their uninterrupted survey every bit good as reformulation of policies associating to them. Natural resources must be looked at in a co-ordinated mode and their probe and use planned for long-run demands. The extent to which resources have been studied and possibilities established in front of demands is an of import factor finding the rate at which the economic system can turn. 3. With the preparation of the Third Five Year Plan, the phase has reached when, as a necessary status of well-conceived long-run programs, a comprehensive position demands to be taken of the extent and quali- ty of the information available in regard of the state ‘s chief natural resources. The principal spreads which exist, the studies required in this connexion, and the farther stairss needed in relation to specific long scope aims, such as irrigation, power, steel, coal, oil and minerals, land usage and forest resources have to be iden- tified. As stated earlier, over the following 15 old ages, population may increase by about 187 million. Increase in labour force is reckoned at approximately 70 million, of whom some two-thirds must be absorbed outside agribusiness. It becomes, hence, a affair of the greatest impor- tance that a high rate of economic ‘growth is achieved and sustained during this period. Her natural resources give India a big poten- tial for agricultur al and industrial production, and their rapid development is an indispensable status for the accomplishment over the following two or three Plan periods, of a autonomous and self-sustained economic system which can supply to the mass of the people continually lifting life criterions and chances for paid employment. The long- term ends in national and per capita incomes and the development of agribusiness, irrigation and power, and the probationary marks sug- gested earlier for industries like steel, aluminum, coat, oil refin- ing, fertilizers, cement and others can merely be achieved in clip if the nature and extent of the natural resources of the state and the indispensable demands refering their development are assessed and the necessary stairss taken good in progress. For balanced development, it is every bit necessary to measure handinesss, demands and possibilities in relation to each of the chief parts within the state. 4. In the Chapters on irrigation and power, woods, indus- attempts, minerals and others, an effort has been made to bespeak the chief waies in which farther attempts are needed to determine more to the full the resources of the state and the steps required for their more rapid development. The object of the present Chapter is to put the job of measuring and developing 96 THIRD FIVE Year Plan natural resources in the context of the Third and subsequent Plans and to explicate briefly some of the deductions in this regard of the growing of population and of intensive and largescale industialisation. A unit for Natural Resources has been late set up in the Planning Commission for analyzing jobs associating to the appraisal and development of natural resources and helping the assorted agen- cies engaged in the study and probe of these resources in associating up their work closely with the demands of the quickly turning economic system, and by and large, assisting in procuring a common attack in assorted related Fieldss. This unit will be strengthened as its work develops. In coaction with other administrations, it is hoped to set up for co-ordinated surveies of natural resources on a go oning footing, to stipulate spreads in the bing information, peculiarly from the facet of long-run development, and to propose suited policies and steps for giving consequence to them. Against this background, it is proposed briefly to reexamine recent developments and to bespeak the jobs that lie in front in relation to the development of the land, H2O, mineral, energy and other resources of the state. TwoLAND RESOURCES5. The most of import natural resource of the state is land, which is the base for agricultural production. While population grows, the land surface is fixed, and of this lone a certain propor- tion is available for cultivation. Several facets of the job demand to be studied. Through irrigation and other steps of agricul- tural development, the productiveness of land can be well in- creased. It is necessary to determine the extent to which land now lying waste can go available for cultivation. Increasing popula- tion besides means backdown of countries now under farms for edifice houses. Development of communications such as roads, railroads, and air passages may take up fertile land. Owing to rapid urbanization and growing of big metropoliss land is needed for Parkss and unfastened infinites. Irrigation dike may submerse fertile countries. Industrial workss and other constitutions besides require significant countries. In all these developments wherever fertile land can be saved attempts should be made to make so. This indicates the demand for a comprehensive stock list of land and for greater polish in land categorization and uninterrupted attending to land usage. 6. Land utilisation.-The entire geographical country of India is about 806 million estates, of which describing country is about 721 million estates and net country sown is about 318 million estates. The wide fea- tures of the present form of land use and that anticipated by the terminal of the Third Plan are set out in the Table below: Table 1: Land use in 1965-66 ( country in million estates ) 1955-56 1960-61 1965-66 entire describing country 720.0 721.0 721.0 woods 125.6 131.0 132.0 land under assorted tree harvests and groves 13.9 14.0 15.0 lasting grazing lands and other croping lands 28.4 32.0 32.0 culturable waste 54.8 47.0 40.0 wastes and uncultivated land and land put to non-agricultural usage 118.7 114.0 114.0 fallow lands other than current fallows 30.9 28.0 26.0 current fallows 29.5 28.0 25.5 non country shown 318.2 327.0 335.0 country sown more than one time 44.4 51.5 67.0 gross country sown 362.6 378.5 402.0 Availability per caput of arable land in India is about 0.82 estates as against 0.42 in U.K. , 0.48 in Germany, 0.17 in Japan, 0.50 in China, 2.68 in U.S.A. and 2.59 in U.S.S.R. 7. Soil surveys.-Until late cognition of dirts in different parts of the state was unequal and the necessary Administration for dirt studies had non been established. Appraisal of dirt resources, affecting study and categorization of dirts provides the footing for measuring their potencies every bit good as their restrictions for effec- tive development and rational land use.The chief object of dirt studies is to sort and adult male out of assorted types of dirts, to cognize dirt differences, and to organize cognition of dirts with a position to puting down criterions of terminology, etc. With the assistance of these studies it becomes possible to fix strategies for the better usage of land and to be after, for dirt preservation and irrigation and drainage plants. In 1955 an all-India dirt study strategy was initiated at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute with a position to transporting out reconnaissance dirt studies taking to correlativity of dirts of different parts. Soil correlativity work involves categorization and puting down of terminology of dirts on a unvarying footing and besides the readying of dirt study studies and dirt maps. In the field of dirt studies, State Governments are specially concerned with facets associating to agriculture, forestry, irrigation, drainage, dirt conser- vation, etc. Since there are common dirt jobs covering more than one State and all States do non hold their ain dirt study organisa- tions, with a position to organizing work on dirts, it was felt that the best class would be to put up research labs on a regional footing for the four major dirt groups happening in India, viz. , ( 1 ) at Delhi, for the Alluvial Soil Region, ( 2 ) at Poona ( now at Nagpur ) for the Black Soil Region, ( 3 ) at Kharagpur ( now at Calcutta ) for the Red and Laterite Soil Region I, and ( 4 ) at Bangalore NATURAL RESOURCES 97 for the Red and Laterite Soil Region II. Three old ages after its origin, the strategy was integrated with the strategy for dirt and land usage planning drawn up by the Central Soil Conservation Board for the intent of dirt and land usage study in the catchment countries of six major river vale undertakings, viz. , Machkund, Hirakud, Chambal, Bhakra Nangal, Kosi and Damodar, numbering about 78,000 square stat mis. Surveies in the catchment countries aim at sorting lands into capableness categories basically from the point of position of following dirt preservation steps with a position to understating dirt eroding, preserv- ing the top dirt for cultivation and forestalling sediment fluxing into storage reservoirs, and therefore increasing their life. Soil preservation work in the catchment countries involves elaborate studies in agricultural lands and reconnaissance studies in other countries. The entire country to be surveyed is about 500,000 square stat mis. By the beginning of 196 1, an country of about 18,000 square stat mis had been covered by both elaborate ‘and reconnaissance studies undertaken through the all-India strategy. Of this country, about 3000 square stat mis fall within the catchment countries of the river vale undertakings. Soil study administrations in the States have surveyed about 50,000 square stat mis. Under the all-India programme, about 23,000 square stat mis are to be surveyed during the Third Plan. 18. Survey of wastelands.-Agricultural production can be stepped up through extension of country under cultivation by cultivating waste lands, dual cropping of individual harvest countries, and other steps of intensifiers farming. There is considerable range for widening the gross country sown by dual cropping. It is anticipated that the country sown more than one time might increase from about 52 million estates in 1960-61 to about 67 million estates by 1965-66. Harmonizing to the avail- able land use statistics the country under culturable waste in 1955-56 amounted to about 55 million estates. In June 1959, the Govern- ment of India constituted a Committee to do a study of land classi- fied as â€Å" other uncultivated land excepting fallow lands † and â€Å" fallow lands other than current fallows † and to turn up countries where big blocks of land are available for renewal and relocation. The Committee has completed its study of seven States. In these, the country o f barren available for cultivation in blocks of 250 acre or more is reckoned at about a million estates. The Committee ‘s findings sing the present statistics of barrens are of considerable importance. On the whole the bing informations are non sufficiently dependable, and lands classified as culturable waste at the clip of colony frequently continue to be shown as such in the gross records long after they have come under cultivation. In the position of the Committee, the mere aggregation of statistics under the caput ‘cultura- ble waste ‘ can function small intent and elaborate information should be available about the types of barrens in each State, the ownership of such lands, their handiness in ample blocks and the cost of renewal steps. The Committee has, hence, recommended that rapid reconnaissance studies should be conducted for roll uping such information. 9. To sum up, there are big spreads in the information at present available sing land resources. To procure speedy consequences it is necessary that land studies utilizing photogrammetric techniques ( aerial exposure ) should be undertaken, and informations on and utilize, land betterment, renewal of water-logged, saline and alkalic lands and productiveness should be collected in a systematic mode with a position to pulling up farther programs. ThreeFOREST Resource10. Out of the entire geographical country of 1.26 million square stat mis, about 274,000 square stat mis or about 21.8 per cent of the country consists of woods. Due to fluctuations in climatic conditions and differences in height a big assortment of natural flora runing from temperature to tropical is found in the woods of India. For- Eastern Times may be classified as follows: Table 2: Categorization of woods per centum temperate woods cone-bearing 3 broadleaf 4 tropical woods deciduous 80 evergreen 12 others 1 11. The productiveness of India ‘s woods can be greatly in- creased. Forests are among the few renewable resources in nature which, if decently managed, could travel on giving at unrelieved rate and for an indefinite period. There is deficit of lumber and fire- wood, of natural stuffs for drugs, paper and mush and of fresh fish for cowss. 12. Wood and other wood merchandises are basic natural stuffs indispensable for ‘industrial development. In the past no proper apprais- Al of local forest resources was made and merchandises such as paper or mush, plyboard, tannic acid, etc. , were freely imported. With a position to developing such industries in the state, an assessment of the posi- tion of such natural stuffs is a affair of importance. The ingestion of industrial wood in India is every bit low as 0.6 cft. per capita per twelvemonth as against 16.0 cft. in France and 13.4 cft. in Japan. India ‘s present demands of industrial wood sum to 4.5 million dozenss and are estimated to be more than 9 million dozenss in 1975. As respects firewood resources, in the ordinary class, a demand of 100 million dozenss is anticipated by 1975. 13. It is indispensable that a sustained addition in production should be secured from twelvemonth to twelvemonth through injtensive development strategies, including choice of high output countries, seting of quick- turning species, debut of improved logging 98 THIRD FIVE Year Plan and treating techniques, development of communications and more by and large, the linking of wood development with specific strategies of industrial development to be undertaken over the following few old ages. While the demands and supplies of industrial wood are still more or less balanced, it is considered that over the following 10 or 15 old ages unless particular stairss are taken, acute deficits might be experienced. This calls for steps for the intensification of production, devel- opment of hill woods, improved use of low class lumbers, economic system in fuel wood ingestion and systematic studies of forest re- beginnings in relation to specific industries. It is besides necessary to set about a study of forest lands, bespeaking countries which are severely eroded, those tantrum for natural regeneration and those where seting should be undertaken. In some countries, specially in Central and South India, there are natural woods with trees which ‘have merely fuel value. T hese countries can be covered with valuable deep-rooted woods. There is need excessively for obtaining informations sing forest resources in unaccessible countries. FourWATER RESOURCES14. Water resources may be divided loosely into surface H2O and belowground H2O. Their development has to be viewed in relation to the demand to increase the productiveness of land through irrigation, inundation control, drainage and other agencies and besides to domestic. and industrial demands. 15. Surface water.- The one-year rainfall over the full state represents something more than 3000 million acre-feet of H2O. Of this sum, about 1000 million acre-feet are lost instantly due to vaporization and approximately 650 million acre-feet seep into the dirt, go forthing 1350 million acre-feet to flux into the river systems. The full surface flow can non be utilized because topography, flow char- acteristics, clime and dirt conditions impose bounds on serviceability. It has been estimated that merely 450 million acre-feet can be harnessed for intents of irrigation. Advancement in existent use is as follows: Table 3: Surface H2O use for irrigation million every bit Percent as per centum acre-feet of useable of entire flow flow upto 1951 76 17 6 upto 1960-61 120 27 9 upto 1965-66 ( anticipated ) 160 36 12 16. Belowground H2O. : Of the 650 million acre-feet of H2O that seep down yearly into the dirt, about 350 million, acre-feet get absorbed in the top beds thereby lending to dirty wet which is indispensable for the growing of flora. The staying 300 million acre-feet percolate down into porous strata and stand for the one-year enrichment of belowground H2O. The entire storage resistance at any peculiar clip may be several times this sum, but it can be assessed merely if a country-wide probe is undertaken. The existent use of belowground H2O at nowadays is less than 20 per cent of the one-year enrichment. Over the past eight old ages, through a series of ground-water geographic expedition undertakings, attempts have been made to set up countries favorable to the sinking of tube-wells. For the 3rd Plan, a undertaking including 500 explorative drillings has been accepted. With a position to easing the work of geographic expedition and cut downing the demand for large-scale boring, it is b esides proposed to transport out geo- physical probes. In peninsular India such probes would rapidly de ermine the deepness of the bed stone and are likely to give first indicants of ground-water handiness. A study pro- gm is besides in manus in Andhra Pradesh for placing countries of belowground H2O where filter points for extraction of H2O can be successfully drilled. 17. Utilisation.-The major usage of H2O is for irrigation and hydropower coevals, but H2O is besides used for public H2O supply, industrial and pilotage intents. Water supply for irrigation can be obtained both from surface and belowground resources. 18. The Central Water and Power Commission initiated in 1954 a survey of different basins in the state for measuring the ultimate potency of major and average irrigation undertakings. For intents of this survey the state was divided into five chief zones covering groups of river basins, and for each river basin the topography, rainfall, strength of cultivation, possible storage sites, irrigable countries, reservoir capacity and other relevant factors were examined. Surveies in regard of four zones are about complete, while the fifth has still to be taken up. A preliminary appraisal places the irriga- tion potency of major and average undertakings at 100 million estates ( gross ) distributed as follows: Table 4: Irrigation potency of major and average undertakings: irrigation possible ( million estates ) zone 1: West-flowing rivers ( covering river basins in Kerala, Mysore and Maha- rashtra State and the basins of Tapti- Narmada & A ; others ) 10 zone 2: East-flowing rivers ( covering the basins of Tambraparani, Vaigai, Cauveri Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna, Pennar and others ) 33 zone 3: Indus basin 13 zone 4: Ganga basin ( covering, Chambal, Jamuna, Ramganga, Tons, Gomti, Sone, Ganga and its feeders ) 41 zone 5: Brahmaputra basin 3 entire 100Policy PRIORITIES3.1 The macroeconomic considerations discussed in measuring the likely growing waies are a portion of the overall development scheme that needs to be addressed in the Ninth Plan. This chapter discusses some of the other issues which are of economy-wide significance. The more elaborate sectoral policy issues are taken up in the following chapter. 3.2 At macro level the planning theoretical account in the Planning Commission is used to apportion resources among economic sectors. The inexplicit logic of allotment in the theoretical account is the demand for consistence in the reciprocally back uping function of these economic sectors to do executable a mark rate of growing and demand form. However, the allotment of resources to the societal. sectors like wellness, instruction, public assistance, lower limit demands and poorness relief, etc. is done chiefly on the footing of the perceptual experiences of the policy shapers and contrivers as to the demand in these sectors within the overall restraints of available resources. 3.3 There is no standard set of standards for make up one's minding allotment of financess to programmes, strategies and undertakings within a sector. The strategies which take the form of a Undertaking in energy, conveyance, irrigation and communicating, etc. have to go through the minimal criterions of fiscal and/or economic rates of return. However, there are no ways of doing a pick from amongst a big figure of undertakings or strategies which would go through the same criterion. Programs and strategies which are non conformable to such cost-benefit analysis do non hold to go through through even this type of examination. Therefore it is necessary to germinate certain guidelines for the choice of programmes, strategies or undertakings from among the many which are possible at a given clip. The undermentioned trials are proposed: I ) Then schemes which are of larger benefit to the hapless as compared to the remainder of the population should hold a precedence. two ) The strategies which benefit the adult females, kids and the weaker subdivisions of the society more than the population as a whole should hold a precedence. three ) The strategies which are of larger benefit to the backward part should hold a precedence. four ) Schemes which are non-displacing, authorising and labor-intensive should hold precedence. V ) The strategies which give long term sustainable benefit should hold a precedence over strategy which 33 give a small higher benefit but merely of a transitional nature. six ) The strategies which help the creative activity of productive assets ( personal assets or economy-wide assets ) should hold a precedence over those which merely help to raise the current degree of income or good being. seven ) Service-oriented strategies ( except those in the class of basic minimal services ) , which require high degree of subsidization, should hold low precedence and attempt should be made to promote commercial operation of such services. eight ) Schemes which require creative activity of enabling environment by manner of systemic reforms, alterations in legislative model, institutional development, .promotion of participatory attacks and selfgovernance should hold a high precedence. 3.4 Population stabilization is an indispensable requirement for sustainability of development procedure. The National Family Planning Programme was launched in 1952 with the aim of â€Å" cut downing birth rate to the extent necessary to brace the population at a degree consistent with demand of national economic system † . The technological progresss and improved quality and coverage of wellness attention resulted in a rapid autumn of mortality rate from 27 in 1951 to 9.8 in 1991. In contrast, the decrease in birth rate has been less steep worsening from 40 in 1951 to 29.5 in 1991. As a consequence them one-year exponential population growing has been over 2 % in the last three decennaries. During the Eighth Plan period the autumn in birth rate has been steeper than that in the decease rate ; accordingly one-year growing rate is around 1.9 % during 1991-95. The rate of diminution in population growing is likely to be accelerated during the Ninth Plan period. 3.5 Though the diminution in birth and decease rates have occurred in all provinces, the rate of diminution was slower in some provinces like U.P. and Bihar ; even within the same province there are significant differences between territories. The Family Welfare Programme, hence needs to be reoriented to take or understate the inter- and intra-State differences with accent on improved entree and quality of generative and child wellness services through PHC based decentralized country specific microplanning without resort to specific centrally fixed marks. 3.6 It is imperative that equal data-base is available at PHC degree on annual footing, both for the demand 34 appraisal as besides to supply an independent mechanism for impact appraisal and midcourse rectification. This can be achieved merely through complete enrollment of all births and deceases. For this, it is necessary to beef up the Civil enrollment system through engagement of ICDS workers, Panchayati Raj establishments, every bit good as wellness forces. 3.7 Simultaneously, the Ninth Plan will establish an intensive thrust to advance wellness instruction so that India builds a sound foundation for a successful preventative and promotive national wellness paradigm. Basic rules of hygiene, sanitation, nutrition, and bar of unwellness and disease will be promoted through non merely the educational establishments and the grownup instruction programme but besides through the ICDS programme, through guidance offered by the wellness workers at all degrees, and the mass media. 3.8 The 2nd of import component of sustainability pertains to the protection of the environment and saving of the natural resource base of the state. Quickly turning population, urbanization, altering agricultural, industrial and H2O resource direction, increasing usage of pesticides and fossil fuels have all resulted in perceptible impairment in the quality and sustainability of the environment. It needs to be realised that environment protection does non merely affect a bar of pollution and of natural resource debasement, but has to be integrated with the over-all development Procedure and the wellbeing of people. This attack has been articulated in the Agenda 21 of United Nations Conference on Environment and Development. The stairss outlined in this papers demand to be adopted and integrated with the development scheme. A synergism between wellness, environment and development is recognised. 3.9 Regeneration of the forest screen is an of import constituent of environmental sustainability. This non merely requires attending to the saving of bing woods, Particularly in the delicate eco- parts of the Himalayas and the Ghats among others, but besides a greater attempt to make forest screen in a wide-spread mode. It is proposed that every territory in the state should reserve at least 2 per cent of its available country as wood. 3.10 One of the chief jobs in taking a rational determination on natural resource usage is the deficiency of an appropriate information system and a methodological analysis for natural resource accounting. As a consequence, the depletion of the national plus base is merely non taken into history while measuring alternate schemes. The Ninth Plan will put great emphasis on germinating such natural resource accounting 35 methodological analysiss so that determinations can be taken on the footing of the full cost to the Nation. 3.11. The most of import methodological analysis for forestalling undue depletion of natural resources is by guaranting their efficient usage at all degrees. This has two of import dimensions. First, exhaustible or vulnerable natural resource should be priced suitably in order to forestall over-exploitation. In ‘India, since a big proportion of natural resources are subjected to administered monetary values, there has been a inclination to under-price resources rather significantly. This attack needs to be changed desperately. Second, engineerings which conserve the usage of natural resources need to be developed and promoted smartly. 3.12 Food and nutrition security every bit good as poorness relief are unalienable constituents of sustainable development. In position of the fact that the net seeded country is likely to worsen in the hereafter in order to continue the ecological balance, accent will hold to be placed on increasing the productiveness of land usage. There is hence need to heighten the flow of resources to agriculture from both public and private beginnings and to smartly advance the execution of land reforms so that the productiveness of land usage is enhanced. In add-on, stairss will necessitate to be taken towards more efficient usage of dirt and H2O resources. A start has been made in this procedure by promoting a diversified growing of agribusiness by agroclimatic parts. This would hold to be carried frontward smartly. New enterprises will necessitate to be developed for intercession on the footing of agro-economic classification. In the thin agricultural season, upto 100 yearss of assured emplo yment will be provided under the Employment Assurance Scheme, which is being universalised. 3.13 In order to beef up the technological capablenesss of the Indian industries, both for run intoing the national demands and for supplying planetary fight, a figure of new enterprises have been launched. A Technology Development Board has been established in 1996 with a authorization to ease development of new engineerings and assimilation and version of imported engineerings by supplying catalytic support to industries and R & A ; D establishments to work in partnership. Matching grants to R & A ; D establishments demoing commercial net incomes through engineering services was besides introduced in 1996 and will be carried frontward and broadened. Already a long-run position called Technology Vision for India 2020 has been prepared, which could organize the footing of engineering development programmes. 3.14 Issues of natural resource preservation and agricultural growing can non be efficaciously tackled in the 36 absence of an appropriate technological base. In add-on, engineering is indispensable for increasing the fight of the Indian economic system in international markets. Autochthonal development of engineering is hence of the highest importance and deliberate planned stairss need to be taken to increase technological autonomy of the Nation. 3.15 Rapid proficient advancement is changing basically the accomplishments, cognition, substructure and establishments needed for the efficient production and bringing of goods and services. So wide and far- stretch are current technological developments that many see the outgrowth of another industrial revolution driven by a new technological â€Å" paradigm † . This paradigm involves, non merely new engineerings and accomplishments in the traditional sense, but besides different work methods, direction techniques and organizational dealingss within houses. As new conveyance and communications engineerings shrink international ‘economic infinite ‘ , it besides implies a important reordering of comparative advantage, and trade and investing dealingss, between states. 3.16 In India besides, there is considerable technological activity in a broad spectrum of houses. what is most impressive is the figure of little and average sized endeavors that are puting in new engineering based ventures, and frequently striking out in universe market as exporters. However, the remainder of the industrial sector still needs to put on engineering upgrading. Experience of many developing and industrialized states suggests that a rapid acceleration of industrial engineering development calls for a deliberate ‘strategy ‘ , in the sense that it requires the authorities to organize and steer an basically market- goaded procedure. Free markets suffer from assorted sorts of market failures ‘ , they may non throw up the appropriate sums of substructure, accomplishment, information and institutional support, and mere exposure to market forces, while acquiring rid of inefficient policies, may non do to make the technological dynamism that continued industr ial growing demands. 3.17 Indian engineering policies are undergoing important alterations, and on the whole have improved greatly in recent old ages. They are non, nevertheless, ideal. A coherent engineering scheme In India must turn to a figure of interrelated elements in the inducement government and the relevant factor markets and establishments. The undermentioned attack should steer future policies in engineering: accomplishments: Technology development calls for both general and specific signifiers of human capital, and emerging engineerings are extremely skill intensive in both proficient and managerial footings. While India is endowed at present with big sums of high-ranking human capital, investings in the creative activity of new accomplishments ( as measured by registration degrees in proficient 37 topics at all degrees ) are low. In add-on, house degree investings in developing are extremely variable, and big parts of industry invest really small in preparation. The SME sector in peculiar suffers from really low degrees of accomplishment, while industrial preparation institutes are frequently unresponsive to their demands. Technological attempt: R & A ; D in Indian industry has been lifting, but the overall degree is still low and over three quarters of research attempt originates in the populace sector. This is in contrast to Taiwan and Korea, where most of R & A ; D is undertaken by industrial endeavors. It is of import for the Government to analyze current technological tendencies in industry in order to explicate appropriate policies to promote R & A ; D. Technology entree: Technology upgrading requires that Indian endeavors of all types have information on relevant engineerings in international markets and besides within the state. Many states have well-developed systems of computerised online engineering information and airing services, frequently backed up with consultancy and fiscal aid for little and average endeavors to enable them to cognize approximately, trial, and implement new engineerings. The handiness of similar installations are weak in India. Note needs to be taken of the emerging tendencies of limitations on entree to engineering through rigorous rational belongings limitations and on â€Å" double usage † engineerings by certain. groups of industrially advanced states. Particular attempts have to be made to guarantee that such limitations do non suppress advancement in high engineering sectors. Technology establishments: India has a big substructure of engineering support establishments, some of which are undergoing reform to do them more relevant to industrial demands. A figure of universities, particularly the IITs, are interacting progressively with industry on technological affairs, while others are outside this circle. There is a demand to beef up ‘Technology Foresight Programmes ‘ to analyze the deductions of emerging engineerings, analyse domestic strengths and failings and aim future engineerings for local development. Other substructure: Technology development by and large requires the puting up of bunchs of industries that can portion information and accomplishments, as in scientific discipline Parkss ‘ or dedicated industrial estates. some such installations exist in India, but their efficaciousness and working demand to be strengthened. 3.18 Finally, an of import constituent of sustainability of the development procedure is in the accomplishment of a high 38 degree. of integrating between the assorted parts of the state so that the benefits of rapid and sustained growing can be spread widely in order to better both regional balance and the economic chances available to the people. The most of import constituents for accomplishing this terminal are transport linkages and communications. The Ninth program will put great accent on supplying the needed connectivity to all parts of the state. 3.19 Although the Government can increase the connectivity of small towns through public plants and employment coevals programmes by affecting the local organic structures, major route web development would still necessitate a considerable sum of resources. Fresh enterprises need to be taken in this way by coordinate action between the assorted grades of Government and with aid from private bureaus and fiscal establishments. Advanced methods of uniting Public and private resources would necessitate to be worked out in order to do such investings productive and feasible. 3.20 Similarly, in so far as communications are concerned, it is improbable that the resources available with the Government would be sufficient to spread out the telecommunications web to the extent desired. The enterprises that have been taken to supplement the public sector attempts need to be carried frontward, and a proper enabling environment demands to be created. This is indispensable since communications are as indispensable an infrastructural input as they are critical for integrating. 3.21 In visible radiation of the macro-economic restraints being faced by the economic system and the analysis of the executable growing waies, it appears that a sustained acceleration in the growing rate of the economic system will hold to be associated with a determined attempt at raising public nest eggs, chiefly by cut downing the gross shortage and bettering the public presentation of public sector endeavors. This is necessary in order to supply both the necessary degree of investible resources and forestall the re- outgrowth of balance of payments unsustainability. Stairss would besides hold to be taken to guarantee that private nest eggs addition in a sustained mode. 3.22 In regard of public nest eggs, while the rate of growing of grosss must be increased, the rate of growing of gross outgo excessively should be slowed down. The Government will call up fiscal resources by using all beginnings which have remained untapped so far. At the same clip, the construction and mode of deployment of public outgo should be altered significantly in order to guarantee the maximal positive impact on poorness relief and the societal sectors. 39 3.23 It is to be noted that the ratio of entire grosss of the Centre and the States to GDP had reached 23.8 per cent in 1989-90, but declined thenceforth and came down to 22.6 per cent in 1990-91 and stayed at the degree in 1993-94. However, there is a major difference between the behavior of grosss between the Centre and the States. The gross grosss of the Centre declined steadily from 14.4 per cent in 1989-90 to 12.2 per cent in 1993-94, whereas in the instance of the States, it increased steadily from 9.4 per cent in 1989-90 to 10.4 per cent in 1993-94. The ratio of entire revenue enhancement grosss of the authorities sector to GDP had reached 16.9 per cent in 1989-90 but declined thenceforth and reached 15.3 per cent in 1993-94 ( it is estimated to hold reached around 16 per cent of GDP in 1995-96 ) . In position of this, it would be sensible to take at raising the revenue enhancement ratio by approximately 1.5 to 2.0 per centum points of GDP so that it reaches the degree of 17.5 per cent in the post-Plan period. This would merely intend somewhat transcending the ratio that had already been reached in 1989-90. Acharya, S. and R.L. Jogi. 2004. aa‚ ¬Aâ€Å"Farm Input Subsidies in Indian Agriculture.aa‚ ¬A? Institute of Development Studies Working Paper 140, Jaipur India. Government of India, Planning Commission. 2005. Midterm Appraisal of 10th Five Year Plan ( 2002-2007 ) . hypertext transfer protocol: // Jalan, B. 2004. The Future of India: Politicss, Economics, and Governance. Penguin Books: New Delhi

Monday, July 29, 2019

Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 28

Personal Statement Example I could tell that marketing to me was one of the most fulfilling topics I had ever covered while studying my degree in Management. The course work was as interesting as the practical work which mostly entailed presentations and research work as directed by my professor. To be honest, I found the practical work much easier to do, with especially my research assignments in the marketing topic proving to be one of the most interesting and memorable tasks I have completed to date. I especially enjoyed making field observations and presenting field data in the market research segment for the marketing classes. In all honesty, this is a field that caught my heart, despite being a regretfully small part of my degree in management. As earlier mentioned, I have studied primarily in management, and my specialty is in the banking area. I graduated with a management degree in June 2014 from the Qafqaz University in Azerbaijan. I was top of my Faculty (Management) accumulating a final GPA of 95.04. This followed a string of exemplary academic performances that saw me receive numerous recognition awards from the Dean of the Faculty and the University Rector as well. However, it is the marketing subject that remains a memorable part of my studies in management. I found myself more inclined to all marketing related subjects than all other areas of my undergraduate studies, with a special liking and interest in advertising. I feel that it is the creativity that this subject demands which makes me so attracted to it. I believe that I am well equipped to prosper in the marketing field, especially considering a few of my related strengths and passions. I am a team leader by nature and for this, I have found to thrive well in teamwork arrangements. From my experience at the University, I performed the best while studying in team works, deriving immeasurable satisfaction and joy from

Sunday, July 28, 2019

What did evolution do to our muscles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

What did evolution do to our muscles - Essay Example However, humans do not come close to comparing to chimps’ strength and the percentage points that humans and chimps differ are extreme due significant anatomical and physiological differences. The way in which muscles are attached to bones is different in chimps compared to human, which enables chimps to have enhanced mechanical advantage in both arms and strength. The paper explores why chimps enjoy powerful strength relative to humans. Evolution changes manifest on the genetic levels passed from one generation to another. The changes manifest at the genetic level overtime as the organisms’ genes mutate and/or recombine within diverse ways during reproduction and are passed to future generations. Scientific evidence demonstrates that the physical and behavioral traits shared by humans emanated from apelike ancestors and evolved overtime. Bipedalism remains one of the most prominent human traits highlighting how humans have evolved. Other traits include development of a large and complex brain, capacity for language, and capability to make and utilize tools. Muscle contractions form the basis of movement within a majority of the species (Muehlenbein 137). Chimps are stronger that humans centers on the fact that they do not have closely as many fine control over their muscles. Humans enjoy the capability to d precise things such as operating complex machinery, which necessitates choice of minute sizes of muscle fibers. Hence, humans sacrifice strength over precise control of their muscles. The nervous system exercises significant control over the muscles relative to the chimp muscles. Studies have revealed that chimps have relatively reduced grey matter within their spinal cord compared to humans. Spinal grey matter features a significant amount of nerve cells that link to muscle fibers and control muscle movement. This details the process that allows finer control of the muscles. As a result,

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Art In The Twenty-First Century Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Art In The Twenty-First Century - Essay Example Her most famous persona is that of Eleanora Antinova, the tragically overlooked black ballerina of Sergei Diaghilev's Ballets Russes. Appearing as Antinova in scripted and non-scripted performances for over a decade, Antin has blurred the distinction between her identity and that of her character. In the process, she has created a rich body of work detailing the multiple facets of her beloved Antinova, including a fictitious memoir and numerous films, photographs, installations, performances, and drawings. She has written two books (Being Antinova and Eleanora Antinova Plays). In her 2001 series "The Last Days of Pompeii," Antin lingers behind the camera to stage the final, catastrophic days of Pompeii in the prosperous hills of La Jolla, California. In "The Golden Death" from this series, the imagined citizens of Pompeii drown in the excess of their own wealth, an ironic parable of American culture in the throes of over-consumption. Eleanor Antin received a Guggenheim Foundation Fel lowship in 1997 and a Media Achievement Award from the National Foundation for Jewish Culture in 1998. She has had numerous solo exhibitions, including an award-winning retrospective at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art in 1999.

African Americans and the Law Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

African Americans and the Law - Research Paper Example The discrimination of the African Americans began several centuries ago. As immigrants, they were initially deprived of nearly all rights since they were perceived as underprivileged human beings who should only b enslaved and mistreated. Hence, they could not enjoy rights such as voting, housing, education, assembly and speech because these were exclusively reserved for the whites. As time went by, several efforts were made through constitutional amendments to eliminate any form of racisms in the country. Even though the tireless efforts of the civil rights movements yielded some fruits, discrimination did not completely end. In fact, it still remains a menace up to the present times. Inequality still persists in the country because of the skewness of the law. As it today, the US constitution does not entirely fight racism. The domination of the whites has greatly influenced the formulation and enforcement of policies and laws that are highly selective in nature. Whenever such legis lations are made, focus is always put on the whites who still hold the view that they should be enjoying more privileges than their black counterparts. This has made it possible for the blacks to be mistreated in the country. The ineffectiveness of the anti-racial laws and policies has been evidenced in many situations. It is what has promoted the discrimination of the African Americans across the country. Racial profiling still remains a major challenge in the fight against inequality between the whites and blacks.

Friday, July 26, 2019

How Global Value Chains May Have an Impact on an Organization's Supply Essay

How Global Value Chains May Have an Impact on an Organization's Supply Chain Design and Corporate Alignment - Essay Example The global value chain encompasses functions which are strongly included and frequently managed on a regular basis. Thus, these functions can impact on the activities of organization in home as well as in other host countries where they perform the business operations. These impacts are pretty straightforward when an organization from one nation inaugurates a new industrial unit or engineering unit in other nation. A few of the impacts are more complex when an organization of one nation makes an agreement with an organization in other nation in order to coordinate production in plants. The impacts of global value chain are precisely seen on the supply chain design and corporate alignment of an organization (Schroeder, Goldstein, & Rungtusanatham, 2010). Value Chain and Supply Chain The idea of value was first created and promoted by Michael Porter in the year 1985. He had demarcated value as the number of purchasers who are prepared to pay for an organization’s products or ser vices (Chan, 2007). According to him, the value chain is the blend of nine common value added functions inside an organization which can deliver value to the consumers. On the other hand, the concept of supply chain first appeared in the year 1980. Supply chain describes the handling of material flow inside an organization from suppliers to the end users. ... Impact of Global Supply Chain on Organization’s Supply Chain Design Nowadays, globalization is no longer restricted to only products; it has expanded to other business aspects such as foreign direct investment, occupation and services among others. The global value chain is determined by the organization’s wish to raise competency, because increasing domestic competition and global market powers are facilitating organizations to become more effective with respect to cost of products and services. In this regard, a strong value chain can help organizations to enter new evolving markets and to improve access to strategic resources which can assist in tapping foreign business knowledge (Kleindorfer, Singhal, & Wassenhove, 2005). In order to cope up with the changes carried by rapid globalization, there is need for an accurate supply chain design. A properly structured supply chain design can enhance the internal network and flow of resources through it. With constant commo ditization of several goods, organizations require improved methods to differentiate themselves from other competitors. In order to compete in the global market, there is need for improvement through supply chain redesign. Therefore, global value chain can impact on supply chain design of organizations in order to fulfill the objective of cost minimization and to develop a more efficient value chain to stay cost competitive (Power, 2005). Impact of Global Value Chain on Corporate Alignment The global value chain is also related with the corporate alignment of an organization. The global value chain delivers the contents of organizational culture, management style,

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Walt Whitman's Idea of Women Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Walt Whitman's Idea of Women - Essay Example A look into his works, that are, at times, vivid with sexuality, proves that his works are a mixture of transcendentalism and realism, where he found females equal to males, and in fact, more important than males. However, he himself seems highly influenced by the social and religious norms that surrounded him in the 19th century that he could not see any other role for women other than household works, procreation of healthy offspring for the state, and keeping themselves healthy and willing to overtly express their sexual desires. Moreover, in his attempt to show the importance of females, he ends up giving them more importance than males because of their higher role in reproduction. In my opinion, Whitman is one among the many sex radicals of the 19th century, and though he proposed revolutionary ideologies on free expression of female sexuality, they are clouded by his own expression of male dominance in his works. This makes his position as a feminist a matter of controversy. Tr aditional roles of women in Whitman’s works Killingsworth admits the fact that for many scholars, Whitman’s females are nothing more than ‘functional creatures’ with just muscles and wombs (1). In addition, there comes the allegation that their only functions are sex and birth. This allegation seems substantiated in many of his writings. In ‘A woman waits for me’, he points out â€Å"yet all were lacking†¦if the moisture of the right man were lacking† (A woman waits for me). Here, instead of the desire to reform female covert expression of sex, the main intention seems to be the desire to make them cope with the unquenched sexual desires of the male-dominated society. As one moves ahead, there is the evident expression of what a chauvinist prefers to see in the females with whom he wants to have sex. â€Å"They are tann’d in the face by shining suns and blowing winds/ Their flesh has the old divine suppleness and strength/ They know how to swim, row, ride, wrestle, shoot, run, strike, retreat, advance, resist, defend themselves.† However, for a woman who possesses all these qualities, the duty Whitman gives is â€Å"I shall demand perfect men and women out of my love spendings.† Thus, it becomes very evident that though he seems careful about the health and wellbeing of females, the two responsibilities they are supposed to do, according to him, are healthy procreation and healthy sex. However, this conception about his intentions is, to a great extent, removed when one looks into his Prose Writings (II, 37 2n). He points out that the sole way to a reconstructed society depends on â€Å"new birth, elevation, expansion, invigoration of women, affording, for races to come†¦ a perfect motherhood† (qtd. Killingsworth, 3). Here, though his outlook is justified remarkably, it seems that his intention to elevate females is based on the need to ensure proper motherhood; not for female s’ sake. However, a look into the Prose Works of 1892 reveals that his intention was not only to make females willing to procreate healthy generation, but the kind of women he envisioned would be â€Å"robust equals, workers, and even practical and political deciders with men† (Whitman, Prose Works). Thus, in the opinion of people

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Managing Human Capital Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Managing Human Capital - Assignment Example The researcher states that merit-pay systems can, in fact, serve to demotivate and even generate anxiety, thereby only contributing marginally as motivators of desired performance. Merit pay is usually rolled into the base salary and hence performance in one year will have the effect on the salary in the future. However, this is based on performance appraisal and the methods of performance appraisal followed by the organization are a controversial issue. Even if linkages to productivity do not exist, the plan communicates a useful message to employees. It is generally believed that individuals should be rewarded based on their contributions and hence merit-based pay serves to fulfill the â€Å"norm of distributive justice†. Thus it diffuses concerns among the employees about fairness and equity. Theories of motivation also support the basis of merit for pay. Managers are encouraged to link important outcomes to desired behaviors. Whether they base their decision on the reinfor cement theory or the expectancy theory, managers need to demonstrate to employees a link between performance and rewards. All these would indicate that basis of merit for pay is necessary as well as beneficial. Researchers express doubts whether performance can be accurately measured and there have been suggestions to make the measurement objective instead of subjective judgments. Moreover, individual performance is linked to others in the organization and this poses difficulties in calculating the individual contribution to the organization. Instead of output measures, behavioral measures can be considered but none is satisfied with such measures. Employees’ acceptance of the feedback systems creates problems as they do not accept the evaluations as accurate. Perceived favoritism is a problem in merit compensation systems due to the subjective nature of the performance evaluation process.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Sub-Saharan Africa Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Sub-Saharan Africa - Essay Example The owners see wanting poverty level of the involved families as an easy way to even exploit them by giving meager earnings, which does not even commensurate with what they do. Hence, prompt them even using children in harvesting period who act as cheap labor for they given them much less compared to their adult counterparts (Freely Give Truth, 2013). Hence, prompting child labor statics augment instead of declining in these states. Many firms known to buy cocoa pressurize farmers into augmenting productivity without even minding their conditions for the crop’s demand globally is significantly high. The fact that they involve intermediaries who buy significant cocoa’s production from the farmers, make them have a huge influence on the farmers (Freely Give Truth, 2013). This way they create a monopoly and therefore they pay farmers as low as low as they want due to the great influence they have. This has prompted farmers yield to procuring children’s services for they are aware they will pay them meager wages, which translates to augmenting of child servitude statistics. There is no enough regulation to curb child labor since a child assisting in the farm is not legally wrong only if the child is involved in heavy work load. The government also has devised extremely low minimum pay, hence prompting the impoverished families to continuously wallow in poverty to the extent majority of them do not have any plan for future investments. Because many work to ensure they are capable of affording only day’s upkeep, which ought to be the case especially what they are producing fetches much global market. The CÃ ´te dIvoire regime together with cocoa buyers can effectively influence declining of this menace. In this case, the regime through devising adequate and effective policies barring farmers from employing children would be a good platform meant to start

Monday, July 22, 2019

Nazi Ideology Essay Example for Free

Nazi Ideology Essay Nazism also officially known as the National Socialism is defined as an ideology and practices that are influence by the National Socialist German Worker’s Party that is under the leadership of Adolf Hitler. In relation to this, Nazism is also regarded as political policies that were adopted by the dictatorial of Nazi Germany that took place from 1933 to 1945. Nazism strongly advocates the superiority of an Aryan race that makes the Germanic people stand above others. During the leadership of Hitler, Nazis supported the centralized government that is led by the Fuhrer that claimed to have the responsibility of defending and protecting Germany and the German people in their country and abroad against the forces of Communism and Jewish subversion (Thomas). As such, the recurring themes of Nazism include extreme nationalism, xenophobia, and the glorification of the Aryan race (Levy 497). These themes of Nazism have put many negative effects for people that do not belong to the Aryan race especially for Jews as well as to the German themselves. The themes of this ideology created prejudices and stereotypes against other races especially for the Jewish people that often become the cause of conflict and violent practices. Due to this, Jewish people and other races that Hitler deems as dirty or is a threat to the Aryan race are hunt down. The holocaust is a clear example of the violent practices that he implemented in line of the Nazis ideology. Nevertheless, the German people also experience the negative effect of this ideology as some of them experience xenophobia. They think that they should not interact with other races especially those that they believe is a threat to their racial superiority. Lastly, Germans also have experience difficulties in interacting and relating with other races especially when they have the mentality that they are better as compared to them (Levy 497-498). Works Cited Levy, Richard S. Antisemitism. California: ABC-CLIO, 2005. Thomas, Robert. â€Å"The Nature of Nazi Ideology. † 11 June 2009 http://www. libertarian. co. uk/lapubs/histn/histn015. pdf.

Revolutionary Republicanism Essay Example for Free

Revolutionary Republicanism Essay Revolutionary republicanism is an ideal example of the American war fighting for their independence from England. The ideology of revolutionary republicanism is pieced together from English political ideas, Enlightenment theories, and religious beliefs. This was all constituted with the revolution in thought. Many lives, economies, politics, religions, and even thoughts were changed in effect to the American war. The Revolutionary republicanism by the American War caused a lot of change in many people’s lives. Native Americans, women, African Americans, and Loyalists were all affected by this change. Many Native Americans homes, family, and fields were destroyed by the war. The group from the Native Americans mostly affected by war were the Iroquois. In the summer of 1779, American troops launched raids into the Iroquois country. These attacks caused many burning villages, the killing of men, women, and children, and destroying a lot of corn. By the end of the war the Iroquois had lost about one-third of their people as well as many towns. Even though many Native Americans lost lives because of the war, it brought countless numbers of them to America. The second group of lives changed by war were women. Women still continued to fight for their rights and freedom but they continued to be denied franchise. Women had still never voted nor held office positions except on a few occasions. Then in New Jersey the constitution of 1776 opened the franchise to â€Å"all free inhabitants† who met property and residence requirements. Many women took advantage of this. After this women’s traditional roles took a new and improved political meaning. The third group that had their lives changed because of revolutionary republicanism was the African Americans. During the war many African Americans were enlisted in support of the revolutionary cause. Then after the war about 20% of African Americans went to behind the British lines to gain freedom. Most of the blacks saw England as freedom not tyranny. The slaves who fled behind British lines never sought out their freedom. Then lastly many Loyalists’ lives were changed. Most of the Loyalists gained partial reimbursement for their losses. All loyalists were deprived of voting, confiscating houses, and banishing from their homes. Also the punishing of Loyalists, accused of Loyalism, was popular. The American war didn’t just change people’s lives it changed the economy, religion, and politics too. After the War people were into politics like never before. Newspapers multiplied and pamphlets by the thousands followed the political debates. The expansion of popular politics resulted from an explosive combination of circumstances. The war also put huge stress on the economy too even though the war ended with an American victory. The war had caused many casualties, properties being destroyed, and the local economies being unbalanced. This conflict left the Iroquois and the Cherokee severely weakened. This opened the doors to the western expansion. The ideology of revolutionary republicanism is pieced together from English political ideas, Enlightenment theories, and religious beliefs. This was all constituted with the revolution in thought. Because the war had changed so many lives and thoughts the nation as a whole began to transform. By 1783 a new nation had come into being, and it was based on doctrines of republican liberty.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Watawala Plantations Plc Is A Pioneer Tea Plantation Marketing Essay

Watawala Plantations Plc Is A Pioneer Tea Plantation Marketing Essay The proper application and implementation of a strategic marketing plan is essential to the success of any business. A company can have a perfect product, but without proper placement, identifying an audience and a marketing plan appropriate activity would not be able to market its products to consumers. Watawala Plantations PLC was able to convert an activity performed in the home of commercial success through the implementation and respect of its strategic intentions. The company was able to convince consumers that the store offers more than just tea, but rather a rich experience they should have on a recurring basis. The company was able to translate this consumer experience of its products for an extremely lucrative. This strategic marketing plan will discuss the marketing strategy implemented by Watawala Plantations PLC, and evaluate the plan of the company in the current marketing strategies including market segmentation, targeting strategies, positioning, the competitive environment, and various other factors that affect its marketing strategy including external macro environmental forces. 1.0 Introduction Today in the rapidly changing corporate arena one of the frequently spoken subject is becoming the Strategic Market Planning and many expensive reference materials can be commonly seen in bookstores, libraries and via online sources. But what exactly is Strategic Marketing Plan, how to assess the external macro environment? What are the impacts of political, economic, socio-cultural and technological factors have on developing Strategic Marketing Plan? These are some of the common questions to be answered. Without a clear strategy the organization is like a ship without a rudder, going around in circles. This strategic marketing plan prepared to Watawala Plantations PLC is essential for the newcomer Oolong tea to the market. Oolong Tea is an innovative product that is close to the tea and black tea, and this product can be a cleaner body. This strategic marketing plan will discuss the marketing strategy implemented by Watawala Plantations PLC. It is very much evident, that the strategic marketing plan for Watawala Plantations PLC has been successfully completed after gaining a substantial understanding from the various reliable sources where the information have been gathered. I strongly feel that the information that I have provided in this strategic marketing plan will definitely satisfy the assessment criteria. Last but not the least I wish to mention that, at the best of my knowledge, Ive acknowledged all the sources which I did refer to complete this strategic marketing plan. 2.0 Watawala Plantations An Overview 2.1 Company Background Watawala Plantations PLC is a pioneer tea plantation and marketing company in Sri Lanka. This is a listed company is a joint venture with the legendary Tata Group, which owns the No. 1 tea brand in Britain Tetley. Today Watawala plantations PLC has undertaken the management of selected 18 prime tea estates in all elevations of low-rise, medium-and high-grown along with a pair of rubber plantations, and the Sri Lankas only palm oil factory and employs over 15,000 people. With the joint venture in Tata Tea India, Watawala Plantations PLC has accepted the challenge of converting trade and productivity in to competition. The unique advantage of three diversified namely crops, tea, rubber and Palm has made the company to move in different directions in terms of involvement with the daily life of people in Sri Lanka. Total area of plantations is divided region 12,442.13 hectares, of which 41% is the tea, rubber is 18% and 8% less for the cultivation of oil palm. About 7% is separate for firewood and the rest is uncultivated and remains as the areas of conservation, forestry, spices, vegetable cultivation, jungle, buildings, roads, etc. 2.2 Mission, Vision Corporate Values 2.2.1Mission Statement According to David (1995, p.88) a business mission can be classified as the foundation for priorities, strategies, plans, and work assignment. In other words it can be said as the starting point for the design of managerial jobs and, above all, for the design of managerial structures. A mission statement which focuses on a businesss current activities reveals the long-term vision of an organization in terms of what it wants to be and whom it wants to serve. The Mission Statement of Watawala Plantations PLCà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ By the year 2015 we will get closer to our end user locally and internationally by: Adding value to our products (tea, rubber, palm oil) Being committed to producing quality products Using our own brand Fully utilize the technological advancements and land resources in an eco-friendly manner To respect and understand the community in which we do business Celebrate the diversity and the power of our people While continuing toà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦, Be the preferred supplier in tea, rubber, palm oil globally Enhance return to our shareholders 2.2.2 Vision A strategic vision concerns a firms future business path that is where we are going. Companys vision defines the desired or intended future state of an organization or company in respect of its basic objectives. Vision is a long-term; sometimes describing how the organization wants the world must stay where it operates. The primary role of a companys vision is to establish a dream to all its employees and stake holders to achieve the companys corporate goals. The Vision Statement of Watawala Plantations PLCà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ We will take a path no one has walked before and many will want to follow 2.2.3 Core Values Watawala Plantations willà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Ensure that our business is always customer focused and that we continuously strive to meet their demands with the highest level of service. Be committed to offering the highest quality products at all times to our customers globally. Recognize and motivate our employees who are the live wire of the organization, to achieve their fullest potential and provide equal opportunities regardless of gender, religion, race or colour to excel in their work. Value transparency and honesty in everything we do. Contribute positively to the long term sustainability and development of the external community and the environment we operate in. Be innovative and strive for continuous improvement in whatever we do. Recognize that our shareholders are of utmost importance to us and ensure the best possible returns to them. 3.0 Product Description Oolong Tea There are hundreds of different varieties of tea made from tea plant, Camellia Sinensis, but almost all of them is divided into three broader categories which are respectively black teas, which are fully oxidized before drying a careful fermentation process, green tea is dried quickly, while non-oxidized oolong, which is somewhere in the middle and combine the best features of both. Oolong is partially fermented (semi-fermented) tea, which is known for its rich taste and pleasant lasting aftertaste. Oolong is classified as black or dark green tea which is baked longer than Green Oolongs. Green Oolong is usually smells stronger as Dark Oolong is usually has a stronger aftertaste. Special oven baked Oolong is only an intermediate dark green. 4.0 Construction of SWOT A Situational Analysis According to David (2004, pp.156-158) no organization is equally strong or weak in all its functional areas. Objectives and strategies are established with the intention of capitalizing upon internal strengths and overcoming weaknesses. The overall evaluation of a companys strength, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats are called as the SWOT analysis. A SWOT analysis is used as a framework to help the firm to develop its overall corporate, marketing, or product strategies. Strengths and Weaknesses are internal factors, which are controllable by the company. Whereas, Opportunities threats are external factors tend to be uncontrollable by the organization. The SWOT analysis of the Watawala Plantations PLC can be illustrated as follows: Strengths Uniqueness of the product Benefits of product are outstanding and not offered by any other product/company. Brand awareness High quality tea High quality service Expertise on the tea business Entrepreneurial spirit and commitment Complete and broad trained staff Opportunities Can open new lines of business Mass market tea prices will stabilize Consumers are living a more healthy lifestyle Consumers prefer quality products that offer true value Modern technology in the tea industry will be able to increase productivity Growth in tea market due to promotional efforts of healthy attributes of tea Threats Seasonal demand Misperception of tea consumption Competition from coffee shops Limited number of raw materials Unstable tea supply of high quality tea High quality tea prices will increase moderately Tea market is very competitive and relative elastic where strong local competitors such as Lipton, Bogawanthalaweà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦etc. SWOT ANALYSIS Weaknesses Budget deficits Less access to modern technologies with to Oolong tea manufacturing process 5.0 Marketing Objectives All businesses, as a rule, need to set objectives on their own, for the products or services they intend to launch. Setting objectives are important; because they focus on specific aims over a period of time and can motivate the staff additionally to meet the set objectives. The marketing intention Watawala Plantations PLC is to grab a 10% market share and to achieve a sales volume worth of SLR 2,500,000 during the current year 2011. 6.0 Market Segmentation, Target Market and Positioning 6.1 Market Segmentation An organization cannot satisfy the needs and wants of all consumers. To do so, may result in a massive drain in company resources. Segmentation is simply the process of dividing a particular market for a good or service into sections, which display similar characteristics or behavior. There are a number of segmentation variables that allow an organization to divide their market into homogenous groups. There is no single way to segment a market. A good marketer has to try different segmentation methods, either alone or in combination, in order to view the market structure clearly. Segmentation can be categorized in to four major variables. They are geographic, demographic, psychographic and behavioral variables. It has to be clearly understood that Watawala Plantations PLC has utilized the demographic segmentation variable to divide the market. In demographic segmentation, the market can be divided in to groups such as age, gender, income, family size, family life cycle, occupation, education, race, religion, generation, nationality and social class. But here Watawala Plantations PLC going to consider only the first three groups from the demographic variables as described above. It is very much evident that in particular, the demographic segmentation variables have been chosen because of two reasons. One is that, customer wants, preferences, and usage rates are often associated with demographic variables and the other is that the demographic variables are easier to measure. 6.2 Target Market Target Market is the specific group of customers that a company aims to capture. They have been identified as the people with needs or wants that can be met with the products or services from the company. When evaluating the market segments, Watawala Plantations PLC must look at three major factors. They are segment size growth, segment structural attractiveness, and companys growth. Considering these aspects Watawala Plantations PLC has decided its target group as anybody who is interested in good quality tea. Mass market is the strategy of the company aiming to sell their product to broad market in Spain. 6.3 Positioning After an organization has selected its target market, the next stage is to decide how it wants to position itself within that chosen segment. A products position is the complex set of perceptions, impressions, and feelings that consumers hold for the particular product compared with the competing products in the market. As marketers, Watawala Plantations PLC not only plan positions that gives our products the greatest advantage in selected target markets, but also we design marketing mixes to create these planned positions. Therefore Watawala Plantations PLC is going market its Oolong Tea under its renowned positioning theme THE ART OF TEA 7.0 Macro Environmental Analysis PEST Factors According to David (2004, p.114) the purpose of an external audit is to develop a predetermined list of opportunities that could benefit the firm and threats that should be avoided. The Relationship between Key External Forces and an organization can be illustrated as follows: Therefore while formulating business strategies, Watawala Plantations PLC should be able to respond towards the external macro environmental factors in order to take the maximum advantage of external opportunities or that minimize the impact of potential threats. PEST analysis is a framework used to scan the external macro-environment, in which a firm operates. It is an important aspect to a company, in order to begin the marketing process. The following gird represents the analysis of the political, economic, socio-cultural and technological factors Watawala Plantations PLC has to consider before deciding either Germany or Australia would be potential market to expand the fruity malt loaf product. The grid below examines the political, economic, socio-cultural and technological factors with regard to the potential impact and its relative importance towards Watawala Plantations PLC. PEST Analysis Factors Potential Impact Relative Importance Political Factors Strict trading policies Medium Important Funding grants Medium Unimportant Local pressure groups High Unimportant Government policies High Important Political influence High Important Economic Factors Economic structure Command Economy prices are determined by the government Important Taxation issues Total tax rate is 64% on Profit Critical Interest rates 3.0% Important Inflation rates 9.4% Important Socio-cultural Factors Consumer attitudes High Critical Consumer opinions High Critical Media views High Important Brand image High Important Buying access and trends High Critical Health consciousness High Critical Religious factors Medium Important Technological Factors Technology development High Important Research funding Medium Important Recycling systems Medium Important 8.0 The Marketing Mix 4Ps To achieve the marketing objectives, the company has to use the marketing controllable elements (4Ps) effectively. A company might adopt one or more marketing strategies when introducing a product newly. It can set a high or low-level trend for each of its marketing variables, such as price, promotion, distribution, and product quality. Therefore, the key elements of the marketing mix namely product, price, place (distribution) and promotion have to be utilized Watawala Plantations PLC as follows: 8.1 Product A good Oolong tea is refreshing and delicious; the Oolong spectrum has a range of aromas and tastes quite different from what you get with green or black tea. It is difficult to obtain reliable figures on the caffeine content, but its probably not entirely wrong to say that the cup of Oolong average, well mixed, has about half as much caffeine as a cup of black tea and about half again as much as a cup of green tea. The difference mainly comes from the brewing temperature, not the composition of the tea itself. Although Oolong has the characteristics of black and green tea, the taste has little in common. If not overcooked, most Oolong seems almost no trace of bitterness, and generally a stronger aroma than any black or green tea. Like other tea, Oolong is rich in antioxidants called polyphenols. These help prevent cancer, keep your heart healthy and aid general well-being. 8.2 Price Price can be simply defined as the amount of money charged for a product or a service provided. A companys pricing decisions are affected either by internal factors relating to the company or external environmental factors or both. The major external environmental factor, which is going to affect the pricing decision, of Watawala Plantations PLC depends on the competitors costs, prices and their possible reactions in relation to the price fixing modes of Watawala Plantations PLC. A consumer when deciding to purchase our Watawala Plantations PLCs Oolong Tea, at the first instance evaluate the price and value of other products, which compete with Watawala Plantations PLCs products. Considering these pricing factors Watawala Plantations PLC should to apply the market penetration pricing strategy, meaning, to fix a low initial price at the introduction stage, in order to penetrate the market successfully at the outset. This is due to the fact that, it is an ideal pricing strategy which can be applied with success at the introductory stage itself, to attract a large number of buyers quickly and effectively so as to win a large market share, in a short period of time. Upon successful launch of Oolong tea, Watawala Plantations PLC can adapt skimming strategy. 8.3 Place (distribution) The distribution modes will cover all areas and all consumers coming under the target group. This is certain as the popularity grows with the demand. A competent distribution strategy will enhance the chances of attaining the goal with easy reach. Through maintaining proper contacts and application of the experience and specialization in the trade and through insuring a steady supply of goods without shortages the reach is assured with satisfactory results. Over the appointment of distributors and agents for the purpose of popularizing the product, requirements and competence in promotion, experience, market familiarity in relation to the productsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦etc. In addition to the distributors, a careful consideration will be given towards selecting the distribution strategy. In this case an intensive distribution strategy will be utilized where it is expected to bring in quick and satisfactory results. 8.4 Promotion Promotion is one of the key elements in the marketing mix. The intention now is to inform, persuade and to familiarize Oolong tea to the market and to popularize it. In this regard sales promotion and pre publicity are two areas, which are related to public relations. To target the group, pre publicity is essential via the media namely the electronic and the print. It is through proper and efficient advertising methods, the target group mainly the consumers would be reached easily which we intend to employ. The channels, which we hope to utilize both in TV and Radio in addition to the press, will be chosen based on their popularity and result-oriented methods adopted. In this regard a careful consideration would be given to economize the expenditure for the promotion purpose. In addition to the above method e-marketing strategy will also be utilized via social media networks such as Twitter, Facebook. YouTubeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦etc. 9.0 Proposed Marketing Budget A financial plan will be carried out since the initiation of the strategic marketing plan in order to determine the total amount of capital needed for each marketing related activity and to be completed within stipulated investment limit, which allows the marketing manager to measure the past with the forecasts actually spent during the project. Figure A illustrates the proposed marketing budget for Watawala Plantations PLC. Figure A Description Amount (SLR) Amount (SLR) Estimated Sales 10,000,000 (-) Estimated Expenses Raw Materials 500,000 Sales Distribution 400,000 Financial Expenses 200,000 HR Administrative Expenses 150,000 Production Cost 1,450,000 Promotional Expenses (posters, banners, advertisementsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦etc.) 4,500,000 Transportation 300,000 Estimated total expenses (7,500,000) Estimated profit 2,500,000 10.0 Evaluation and Control When involving in introducing a new product into the market, it becomes necessary to plan the overall operation in advance, in addition to budgetary provision to carry forward the objective. The controlling and monitoring aspects are two areas, which need constant attention. Any deviation will tend to upset a proper implementation of this strategic marketing plan. Therefore the following action plan can be utilized by Watawala Plantations PLC in order to evaluate and control the strategic marketing activities. Marketing Strategy Action Responsibility Control and Evaluation Methodology Marketing Communication Campaign Advertisement on TV, internet, radio, newspapers, ad campaigns on the streets Marketing Managers, Marketing Executives Monthly Sales Figures Marketing Promotion Campaign Set Up Special Stand for Personal Selling Marketing Managers, Sales managers, Counter staff Supervisors Count Customers and Monitor Sales per Month Organize Promotional Event Major Cities Marketing Managers, Supervisors, Hostesses Count Participants Promotional offers e.g. free gifts with purchase Marketing Managers, Production Managers Produced Output Figures Distribution of Free Samples to Customers At cash point Marketing Managers, Cashiers, Supervisors Count Customers

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Tremendous Potential of Genetic Engineering Essay -- Argumentative

Genetic engineering, the process of using genetic information from the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) of cells to fix or improve genetic defects or maladies, has been developing for over twenty years. When Joseph Vacanti, a pediatric surgeon at Children’s Hospital, and Robert Langer, a chemical engineering professor at MIT, first met as researchers in the 1970’s, they had little knowledge of the movement they would help found. After they discovered a method of growing live tissue in the 1980’s, a new science was born, and it races daily towards new discoveries and medical breakthroughs (Arnst and Carey 60). â€Å"Tissue engineering offers the promise that failing organs and aging cells no longer be tolerated — they can be rejuvenated or replaced with healthy cells and tissues grown anew† (Arnst and Carey 58). The need for genetic engineering becomes quite evident in the promises it offers in various medical fields, as well to financial ones. Despite cr itics’ arguments about the morality or practicality of it, genetic engineering should continue to provide the essential benefits it has to offer without unnecessary legal impediment. Every year, the need for new organs in organ transplants becomes more apparent. â€Å"I recognized fairly early that the biggest problem facing me as a surgeon was the shortage of organs. I’ve devoted my professional life to solving that problem,† Vacanti said (Arnst and Carey 60). Approximately eight million people in the United States undergo surgery annually to correct organ failure (Arnst and Carey 61). While these patients wait for surgery and others wait on the transplant list, their medical expenses reach up to $400 billion. These expenses count for almost one-half of American heath-care bills. Nearly four... ..., Chrisitne. â€Å"An Attack on Aging.† Time. 26 January 1998: 60. Haney, Daniel Q. â€Å"Genes Help Heart Grown Own Bypass.† Columbus Dispatch. 10 Novemeber 1998. 3A. Johnson, B. Julie. â€Å"Genetic Engineering is Dangerous.† Genetic Engineering: Opposing Viewpoints. Ed. Carol Wekesser. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, Inc., 1996. 17-21. Kraemer, Duane C. â€Å"Genetically Altered Animals Will Benefit Humankind.† Genetic Engineering: Opposing Viewpoints. Ed. Carol Wekesser. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, Inc., 1996. 94-101. Lee, Thomas F. â€Å"Gene Therapy is Beneficial.† Genetic Engineering: Opposing Viewpoints. Ed. Carol Wekesser. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, Inc., 1996. 166-173. Mahoney, Richard J. â€Å"The U.S. Should Continue Investing in Biotechnology.† Genetic Engineering: Opposing Viewpoints. Ed. Carol Wekesser. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, Inc., 1996. 29-36.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Circulation Systems Over China :: essays research papers

Circulation Systems Over China Introduction: The Earth's atmosphere is in continuous motion: movement which is attempting to balance the constant differences in pressure and temperature between different parts of the globe. It is this motion which carries water from the ocean to the continents to provide precipitation and moves heat energy from the tropical regions toward the poles, warming the high latitudes. It is this circulation which plays a basic part in maintaining a steady state in the atmosphere and generating the climatic zones which characterise different parts of the earth. China, from its latitudinal location, mostly belongs to the mid- latitudes, with a small part to the low latitudes. It is located at south of Siberia and the north of the tropical Pacific. At this distinctive location, the country is affected by the alternate seasonal expansion and contraction of the polar continental highs and tropical maritime air masses, along with the seasonal shifts of the overhead sun. These changes in the pressure systems over Asia generate the unique Asian monsoon circulation which prevails over China throughout the year. Surface Pressure Field and Winds: For any fluid to initiate movements, pressure gradient must exists. Therefore, for a close understanding of the circulation system that operates over China, we should start from discussing the seasonal pressure distribution at sea-level over the Asia-Pacific region, which is the driving force for the air movements in China. Most clearly to be seen, the largest difference in the atmospheric pressure occurs between winter and summer, whereby January and July can be considered as representative months. In January, a typical cold anticyclone with central pressure above 1,040 hectopascals (hPa) developed over mid-Siberia and Mongolia (Mongolian High); while a strongly established cyclone over the north-western Pacific Ocean (Aleutian Low). Since both pressure systems practically lie in the same latitude of 50Â ° to 55Â °N, a steep pressure gradient occurs which produces strong and persistent north- westerlies over Northeast China. A third pressure system which affects China, although limited only to south-eastern China, is the equatorial Low over Australia and New Guinea. The vast territory of East China lies in the middle of the path along which the Mongolian cold air tries to rush southward into the Equatorial Low. Northerly and north-easterly flows prevail over the eastern half of China. As a typical feature, the Mongolian High is only a rather shallow pressure system. It disappears at the 500-hPa level. West China which has a higher elevation, therefore feels little of its influence; Yunnan highlands are even predominated by south-westerlies during most of the winter. The pressure pattern at sea-level during summer differs completely from winter conditions.